Agile became a “hot trend” these years. People used to associate Agile methodology with software development, but nowadays it is implemented in all departments and companies fight for the awards to be nominated as “Agile company” and Apiumtech is not an exception. We use agile methodology to manage... read more →
For more than a decade, software teams have benefited from agile development methods. They have adopted these incremental development practices, where solutions evolve through collaborative development. Continuous integration (CI) and test-driven development (TDD), as part of architecture-based approach, extend basic agile practices enough to provide both... read more →
A few days ago while I was working on the frontend of a new project, I found myself in a situation where I needed to simulate different responses from the backend to check some functionalities and behaviour in different browsers. At this point, where a vast amount of... read more →
Here at Apiumtech we always help our clients to build solutions that are complex in multiple areas and our primary work is to define a software architecture adapted to their needs. The easiest part Software architecture doesn’t search only about technical requirements like scalability, performance or... read more →
In Apiumtech we love TDD WHAT IS TDD Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: first the developer writes an (initially failing) automated test case that defines a desired improvement or new function, then... read more →
Here at Apiumtech we confine work to a regular and repeatable work cycle known as a sprint or iteration. Scrum sprints used to be 30 days long, but here, we do shorter sprints. In fact, we do it in two-weeks. Working within the boundaries of an... read more →
Agile project management provides numerous benefits to organizations, teams, and products. 1. HIGH PRODUCT QUALITY Defining and elaborating on requirements just in time so that the knowledge of product features is as relevant as possible. Incorporating continuous integration and daily testing into the development process, allowing the development team... read more →
Junior software developer Interested in Software? Want to learn more from the best developers in Barcelona? Join us and grow with us! You will be working in Agile company using new trends in software world. You will have opportunities to be involved in the technical aspects of complete software development... read more →