Agile became a “hot trend” these years. People used to associate Agile methodology with software development, but nowadays it is implemented in all departments and companies fight for the awards... read more →
Here at Apiumtech we confine work to a regular and repeatable work cycle known as a sprint or iteration. Scrum sprints used to be 30 days long, but... read more →
Agile project management provides numerous benefits to organizations, teams, and products. 1. HIGH PRODUCT QUALITY Defining and elaborating on requirements just in time so that the knowledge of product... read more →
In an previous article of this blog, I wanted to explore some important topics when some company choose a partner with whom to outsource development when necessary. Now, we will see... read more →
What’s the secret to success? How can we be involved in more than 20 agile projects at the same time with companies all around the world? SECRET TO... read more →