NEXO QA case study

    A platform that provides a simple learning system to universities, consultants and companies who can then grant access to their employees or students. This platform focuses on tools for the teachers so they can help students with collaborative tools

    [vc_btn title=”Web development” style=”flat” shape=”square” color=”default” size=”sm” css=”.vc_custom_1674482279842{border-radius: 2px !important;}”][vc_btn title=”User experience design” style=”flat” shape=”square” color=”default” size=”sm” css=”.vc_custom_1674482307410{border-radius: 2px !important;}”]


    Laravel, Docker, Bootstrap, ReactJS, Node, Gun, Websockets, Kotlin,Zoom


    At present, due to covid issues in presential learning, teaching has become a challenge. The most difficult challenge was to provide teachers with student monitoring and control tools to provide systems integrated with the platform, which could give feedback in real time. This challenge was also at the architecture level, since different servers coexist within the platform that provide the necessary tools. We consider this project a success, and not only because of the use that is being given to the platform, but because it has been an example of team integration. We have found in NexoQA a serious, future and very professional partner.


    The user experience was, if possible, even more important than the development itself. The most important challenge was to give the user a friendly environment where he could access the necessary tools and resources that allow him to consolidate knowledge. We have achieved this through a very fluid interface where the desktop used for the course is extended and easily accessible.